THREE RABUS oil medieval panacea 15 ml
bactericidal virucidal anti-mite aromatherapy lowered immunity high fever hypertension
Reference: 5903271414994
Mr. Smark means a gentleman who serves a helping hand to anyone who has a runny nose.
This is an effective blend of natural essential oils, which with the full power of plants will support the action of restoring health.
We have been using Mr.Smark mixture for ourselves for some time now and now it's time to share its effects.
These are 100% natural essential oils composed so that their synergistic action helps during the very tiring cold.
The mixture used in the diffuser can be used both at home and in the office because in addition to its effectiveness it also has a pleasant fresh scent, which will further affect the quality of your well-being.
In what situations to use Mr.Smark?
* at the onset of a cold
* with sinus pain
* when we feel that "something takes us"
* when others around us sneeze
* when we had to deal with someone with a cold
* in the course of treatment for a cold
There is a time of year when "fashion" gets almost everyone, and it does not matter whether you follow trends or, on the contrary, you are original :)
In this case, we wish everyone that the "fad" would pass them by, but if, however, some cold caught on, Mr.Smark stands guard !
Why does Mr.Smark work ?
because we used for its production the oils that we use ourselves and are of great quality !
What are the main ingredients of Mr. Smark? and their main effects:
* Pine essential oil - first in the line of fire when fighting a runny nose
* Thyme essential oil - there is no better for sinuses
* Eucalyptus essential oil - allows for deeper breathing and has broad antibacterial effects
* Lemon essential oil -. disinfects and inhales and it is thanks to it that the mixture has a pleasant fresh note
* Lavender essential oil - in addition to its antibacterial effect, its soothing and tonic properties cannot be overestimated.
Do you know how to use Mr.Smark?
* in a diffuser - a few drops
* in a nebulizer
* sprinkle on a pillow ( make sure beforehand that the material will not discolor )
* spread in your hands and take a few deep breaths
* Dot on a tissue and take a few deep breaths every minute
* an effective use of the oils is to rub through your feet ( preferably in combination with a base oil )
Stay healthy :)
INGREDIENTS: Citrus Limon Peel, Lavandula Angustifolia Flower Oil, Pinus Sylvestris Leaf, Thymus Vulgaris Leaf, Eucalyptus Globulus Leaf Oil
Genialna mieszanka a co ważniejsze skuteczna, bo udrażnia drogi oddechowe, skraca czas trwania kataru, a jak zacznę zaraz jak tylko poczuję, to nawet katar mnie omija!
Smaruję z masłem shea w nosie, jak już to trwa to ułatwia mi oddychanie a w nocy mogę spać! a jak złapię sam początek to nawet się katar nie rozwinie !
nie dość że skuteczny to bardzo przyjemny zapach. Używam razem z córką i w dyfuzorze i bezpośrednio z butelki - rewelacja!
świetnie odtyka nos, można go używać podobnie jak sztyft do nosa - poprzez wdychanie olejku prosto z buteleczki :)
Nawet moje dziecko nie marudzi jak włączam dyfuzor z Mr. Smarkiem :)
Bardzo skuteczny, wyraźna poprawa już po jednym dniu, na pewno będę używać w przypadku przeziębienia
Hahaha! medal za poprawę nastroju :) ale sam zapach i jego skuteczność też super, jest tak przyjemny że mogę wąchać podczas jazdy samochodem prosto z butelki i mam kuracje zanim dojadę do pracy!
Super! i zapach i działanie!
Kupiłem na targach, cała rodzina zachwycona, a ponieważ wróciłem przeziębiony to od razu testowałem i co ciekawe od razu czułem ulgę. Polecam ten produkt!
i już jesteśmy fanami w rodzinie. Nawet dzieci lubią a do tego czuć wyraźną poprawę przy oddychaniu!
bactericidal virucidal anti-mite aromatherapy lowered immunity high fever hypertension
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