
What is soap?

Simply put, it is a part of our daily body and skin care.
And from a chemical point of view, it is a salt formed in the reaction of saponification of fatty acids and metal bases - mainly sodium and potassium - present in fats.
As a result of the aforementioned saponification, a fatty acid salt - our soap - is formed, as well as a by-product - glycerin.

A visit to a soap shop or drugstore can sometimes make us dizzy.
The colors, the scents... It might seem that we have an almost infinite number of soap types. Nothing could be further from the truth! "Base" is usually the same and consists of either sodium soap or a little less common potassium soap (gray soap).

Does soap really disinfect?

Soap in the fight against bacteria and other microorganisms works in two ways. First, it "detaches" bacteria from the surface of our skin, so they can be washed off more easily. Second, when we use soap we tend to take longer to wash our hands because we are trying to rinse them thoroughly from the suds. The longer this takes, the more microbes and viral particles we manage to remove.

There are 15 products.

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African black soap

Review(s): 7

delicate skin, prone to irritation atopic skin psoriasis acne lesions hair care of all ...

Reference: 5903271414826

Price 30.00 zł

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